

发布时间: 2024-05-17 11:40:07北京青年报社官方账号





Around 30 percent of the respondents said that they have no preference between physical and electronic books. More than 25 percent of the respondents said that they preferred reading electronic books.


Arzgu Abduhayni, a villager in Yujmilik, said the picking season for grape leaves lasts from May to September. Her family grows grapes on 4,000 sq m of land, and the income from sales of grapes and leaves was more than 50,000 yuan last year.


As China's independent refiners, or teapots, see their costs rising thanks to the country's new taxation system and higher crude oil prices, insiders are urging them to shift focus to the high-end market to avoid their margins being further crushed.


Around this time the psychology community heard about this work and moved many of their experiments from the classroom to an online setting. Today it’s almost taken for granted that a researcher conducted, at least part of, their experiments on MTurk. But whenever I would give a presentation someone in the audience would always ask, “Who are the workers?” I would give statistics about the demographics, but I didn’t really know beyond that. So in 2012, shortly after I started at Microsoft Research NYC, Mary [L. Gray] approached me and asked if I’d like to collaborate on doing an ethnography on the workers. I thought it was very cool that an anthropologist and a computer scientist were interested in the same thing. So I said yes, and the project was born.


Arizona has become the most closely watched state in the United States by health officials who are expressing alarm that a second wave of the coronavirus may be taking hold in the state and possibly elsewhere as nearly half the states report a sudden spike in cases.


