

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:05:06北京青年报社官方账号



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"Customers or the watchdog will spend a very long period in reality to verify the recall's effectiveness, and now the carmaker needs to give us essential information to build our confidence." The current recall plan has been refined and upgraded in the past 75 days after the top quality watchdog rejected the automaker's initial recall plan proposed on March 1.


"Currently the sustainable trends are the most pronounced in China's commercial real estate sector as most of the new commercial projects are taking the green path," said Wang.


"Compared with a currency under pressure, the bursting of an asset bubble is a more serious problem, and policymakers need to be very careful about the monetary policy, to prevent tightening too much," said Yoshiki Takeuchi, director-general of the International Bureau of Japan's Ministry of Finance.


"China's role has changed. Very early on, China's investments tended to be around infrastructure, ownership of a lot of natural resources. But in recent years, China's got a lot more involved in other areas, such as consumer goods, banking, logistics, obviously diversifying their approach in Africa and elsewhere across the emerging markets," Moyo told Xinhua in a recent phone interview.


"Compared with the traditional route via the North China region, the new route offers a new path to further connect the northwestern region with ASEAN countries, allowing the inland region to benefit from the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. Under the plan, goods from ASEAN countries will be able to be transported to the Central Asia market via the route, which will bring new development opportunities for the northwestern China region," Mei added.


